One Piece x Fairy Tail Wikia

Aera is a Caster Magic involving the ability of flight.


Aera is a Magic that allows its users to sprout large angelic wings that give them the ability to fly. While flying, the user can carry objects or people, but is limited to carrying only one passenger. Furthermore, there is also a time limit to how long the user can fly, as the wings disappear after the user's Magic Power is depleted. The users can also change the speed in which they fly, but the faster they go, the more Magic Power they consume.


Happy's Spells[]

  • Max Speed: By using Magic Power the user increases their speed to the extremes, allowing them to fly a distance relative to the amount they used. This speed can be used to dodge incoming attacks. While using this spell, the user can also carry one additional person. However, this spell is restricted by the amount of Magic Power the user has, as once the user runs out, they will collapse.
  • Max Speed Attack: While flying and using Max Speed, the user strikes the target with their head, dealing a strong blow. This spell is powerful enough to destroy a Lacrima from the Thunder Palace.

Carla's Spells[]

  • Max Speed: By using Magic Power the user increases their speed to the extremes, allowing them to fly a distance relative to the amount they used. This speed can be used to dodge incoming attacks. While using this spell, the user can also carry one additional person. However, this spell is restricted by the amount of Magic Power the user has, as once the user runs out, they will collapse.